How Do I Meet People?
Our church is not a place for spectators. It is a place for team members. Whether you are a five-year old child, a ninety-five year old grandmother, a busy mom, or a businessman with big responsibilities, we want you to be a part of our vibrant church community. Here is how you can learn, serve, and grow at this church.
Coffee Fellowship
Every Sunday morning between worship services, there is a fellowship time for everyone. A chance to visit, relax and most of all drink coffee! Held in the fellowship hall and open to everyone.
Joy of Living
Joy of Living is a class of ladies who have a desire to study the word of God through a variety of resources, media and study. Joy of Living serves as the “hands and feet” of Christ as they care for each other and many in the congregation and community through service and prayer. Joy of Living class are servants of the Lord who hope that you will consider visiting if you are interested in finding a Sunday School class of closely knit sisters-in-Christ who love to learn about God, laugh and fellowship. Joy of Living meets at 9:45 Sunday morning in classroom wing of Wesley Hall.
New Beginnings
The New Beginnings Class meets every Sunday morning in Classrooms F & G of the Wesley Hall Education Wing. We have a sign outside our door that says New Beginnings. Our class includes men and women and is made up of both couples and singles ranging in age from 30’s to 50’s. We try to follow the teachings of Jesus by trying to not only care for each other, but also for “the least of these”. We are always seeking causes where we can offer a helping hand. We use a wide range of lesson material and have most recently been using the United Methodist International Lesson Series Adult Bible Studies. We have a great group of excellent leaders that rotate every week or two. All are welcome in the New Beginnings Class.
Pairs and Spares
Pairs and Spares is a unique gathering of sincere believers and seekers of spiritual enrichment. Ranging in age from forty-something to AARP-eligible, our members represent a broad spectrum of occupations, backgrounds, and interests which complement each other in a warm blend of Christian fellowship. Someone recently referred to us as a “rowdy” group; we prefer to say we are “joyfully involved!”
Men’s Friendly Bible Class
This is a dedicated group of men who love the Lord and try to concentrate on doing His will. We have a wide age range with men in their 30’s to over 65. One of the unique things about this class is our card ministry. Each week we take time to discuss those whom we know who may be undergoing times of illness or grief. We send an appropriate card signed by each member present. The class has many dedicated teachers who rotate on a weekly basis. As the name implies, this is a Bible class that is a continuing lecture and discussion type study straight through both the old and New Testament. We welcome any and all men who would like to join us in our study of God’s Word.
Children’s Classes
Kids 3 years – 5th Grade
All children are welcome to attend a lively and energetic time of discovery about God’s love for us. We seek to plant the seeds of Understanding of Jesus’ Teachings. The discussions always include the question, “Why is this lesson important to me, today, as a child in Madisonville, Texas?” We seed to create in children a desire to be more kind and loving in their everyday routines. Join us — we have room to grow.
All Junior High and Senior High Youth are WELCOME!! Sundays 5:00 – 6:30 PM all youth meet for fellowship, games and a devotional message. The 3rd Sunday of each month the Youth prepare the dessert and assist with the packaging meals for the Meals of Grace Ministry.
Upper Room
The Upper Room is a group of adults studying the Bible through five rotating teachers who practice their God-given enthusiasm and ability to stir the hearts of these late middle-agers to senior citizens. These fantastic teachers stimulate enthusiastic class participation by ladies and gents alike, thus each member grows in faith, in Biblical knowledge and how that Godly message may be used in making God-pleasing decisions daily.
Each Sunday morning junior high and senior high youth get to participate in their own classes. Bible lessons are taught in such a way that every child gets to participate and learn. Each of the class teachers is carefully screened and thoroughly trained in children’s instruction.