Morning Meditation for Thursday: A Shared Meal
September 3, 2020
John 21:12a Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast.” (NIV 1984).
Another holiday is approaching, and I find that my planning for it always includes food. There is something special about sitting down for a meal together. When our family gathered together, food was an important part of it. Every Thanksgiving needed a Thanksgiving meal. Each Christmas was filled with designated staples, expected each gathering. The fourth of July included at least one cherry pie and an Easter must was a ham. Even though many of us had not seen each other for a while, we came together at the table over a meal and reunited once again in a deep way. The meal together marked each holiday as a special time more than presents or special decorations.
As we broke bread together, we found something that united us. At each funeral, we found healing at the table. My father did not remember much about my own birth, except that he and my grandmother shared a meal of waffles at an all-night diner while my mother rested safely. We take food to those who are sick or grieving, a meal given in love and caring. We all must eat, for we were created in a way that requires food. Yet, in the breaking of bread together, we find unity. Is it really a wonder why Fellowship Meals are a part of congregational life? We must eat to stay alive. And when we eat together at the table, a great deal more can occur.
Perhaps the Lord made us this way for a purpose, to join together at the table and share our food. Years ago, one gentleman in our congregation was upset with me when he left the service. During the week I visited him and his wife who was very sick. I had already planned to take her communion, as she was a shut-in and unable to come to church. As we took the bread and the cup together, I could see his anger fall away for the Lord was present with us as we gathered at His table. His wife died shortly after that, but he and I are still good friends even to this day.
What is the point of thinking about meals? So many things in life divide us. But God created us all with the need to eat to stay alive. So if we all have a need to eat, then perhaps that explains why so many things have been solved while simply sitting down together at the table; to talk, to listen, and to share a meal together.
Pastor Jim Jackson